arm1.jpg, The Arm appears, menacing the food table. arm2.jpg, The cards room greets the Arm. bethdana02.jpg, Last year's early am troupers. cards1.jpg, Tony's taking too long, Marcia's cursing him.. cards2.jpg, Host finally comes back to cards room, again Marcia is cursing.. corner.jpg, Local crafts look on the party with seeming envy.. darrell.jpg, An old friend, heck of a guy and darn good carpenter. dict1.jpg, The dictionary. Somehow a highlight of the party. Beats me. fan02.jpg, Last year's fan abuse, with the shameless abusers still giddy from their success. fan1.jpg, Mao begins the assault. fan2.jpg, Mao knows the fan can not resist his creative advances. fan3.jpg, Crowds line up to heap more color, more light onto the altar which we called, The Fan. Also, Dave has now fallen under the dictionary's mysterious spell. Fantony.jpg, It whirled, and swirled, with more colors than the rainbow. fan4.jpg, Eerily powerful was its pull on the enraptured Marcia and Colleen. fan5.jpg, Rich succumbs to its spell and is pulled into the vortex. fan6.jpg, Host enjoys his own encounter, is flagellated repeatedly! fan7.jpg, Host is driven away at last. group2.jpg, Tony's group shot, another classic. homer.jpg, Can't talk, eating.. host1.jpg, Since Host's party started around 6:30, he's thinking it's getting late and people ought to by god starting clearing out o' here! keeb.jpg, Keeb invades card room, is caught by mirror. mao1.jpg, Surprise special guest Mao presents guests with Christmas Cards, wins "Most Photogenic Guest" as the next photos show! mao2.jpg, Mao forces Beth from her seat, crowds her away from the food, Beth claims penalty. mao3.jpg, The party is kept alive by Mao's raucous horn-blowing! midnight.jpg, Keeb captures the moment itself. muddy.jpg, "Yeah", think's host, "Everybody wants to hear Muddy!" ohno.jpg, Oh no. Can't seem to find appropriate buttons, cd's, or coherent train of thought. rit1.jpg, The rituals are begun. rit2.jpg, Look out and Nice Shot! rit3.jpg, So much to drink, so few appendages.. rit4.jpg, Good Intensity, Marcia! rit5.jpg, Host's rights! C'mere you! rit6.jpg, As the males of the species tire of the rituals, begin to increase their personal space, Marcia reaches for human contact in cyberspace. tony1.jpg, Tony is too big for my doorways! But Oh Yesss, he also is Looking Good in 2004! tony2.jpg, The barco-lounger is found acceptable to the Tonala after a bout with The Fan! tony3.jpg, The Reverse Group Shot